About Beeline
The original constitution of the charity (May 2016) was updated in September 2023. Please click to view here.
The constitution outlines the seven purposes of the charity, eligibility of charity use, membership, formal operational procedures of a charity and decision-making procedures.
Our Core Values and Aims
Our core values are:
Accessibility: to provide accessible community transport for everyone, especially those who have difficulty using conventional public transport
Inclusivity: ensuring our service is inclusive regardless of age, mobility, ability or financial restraint
Community focus: promoting a sense of community by connecting people and supporting local groups and events while being a community led organisation
Volunteering and engagement: encouraging volunteer participation and fostering a spirit of community service and engagement
Reliability and safety: committed to reliable and safe transport that prioritises the wellbeing of passengers
Aims are to:
Reduce social isolation: providing transport options to help to address social isolation for all, including those with disabilities
Improve mobility: enhancing mobility for individuals in rural or remote properties who lack access to regular transport
Support personal independence: aiding individuals in maintaining their independence by ensuring they can access essential services, such as medical appointments and shopping
Promoting volunteering: encouraging local residents to volunteer as drivers or in other capacities, fostering a supportive community network
Environmental sustainability: whenever possible, promoting environmentally sustainable transport options and practices
The values and aims reflect our vision: connect communities, reduce inequalities
Membership is open to any individual aged 16 or over who resides in Hopeman, Burghead, Cummingston, Duffus, Spynie and Roseisle and the surrounding areas. All active volunteers are also members with rights to vote at members meetings.
Any person wishing to become a member must complete a written application that will be considered by the board at its next board meeting.
The board has the discretion to refuse or admit any person to membership.
The board can invite an associate member who lives outside the area eligible for membership where they have expertise that would benefit the board in decision making. Such members have no voting rights.
The board keeps a register of membership.
Submit an enquiry if you wish to be considered for membership and to receive an application form.
Our history
Beeline Community Transport & Wellbeing Hub SC046512 is based in Moray, Scotland, previously known as Hopeman Community Minibus. Established April 2016, to operate a 17-seat minibus which was successfully achieved via the Press and Journal newspaper. The primary focus between 2016-2020 was on the advancement of access for communities to participate in sport and recreational facilities.
Recovery from the pandemic resulted in a shift in the requirements of our communities. Similarly, the effects of the economic downturn has shifted our focus to connecting communities and providing links to vital services such as shopping, post offices and medical facilities. In October 2024 we asked our communities to support our funding bid for a wheelchair adapted electric vehicle. We are so thankful to the people of Burghead, Cummingston, Roseisle, Duffus and Hopeman for pulling together and making this happen. The power of community support never ceases to amaze us and we remain forever grateful
The charity remains volunteer led, developing in response to the needs of the community that has supported us with passion. Thank you.
Key policies
We have in place policies covering:
- Safeguarding and protection
- Data protection and privacy policy
- Equal opportunities and diversity
- Health & safety
- Volunteer policy
- Complaints policy
If you wish more details of these policies, please make an enquiry.